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Dextra / Would you like to be a gamete donor? / Mental wellbeing and support

Mental wellbeing and support

You are providing others the opportunity for parenthood, donated gametes are an invaluable gift to the recipients. As the child born from this donation grows up, she or he may want to learn more about you. You may also have your own thoughts and questions about what donation means for you and any potential biological children. You can gain information and support by discussing these matters with a professional who is knowledgeable in this area.

We work closely with Terapiatalo Tunnetila, whose expertise lies in topics related to fertility, pregnancy, childbirth, and parenthood.

For booking, we will redirect you to our parent company Pihlajalinna’s booking website

Please reserve the appropriate duration and provide your reason for the appointment

If you cannot find a suitable time, please call us at 010 312 106

All blood sampling and procedure appointments are booked by phone or at the clinic (insemination, embryo transfer)