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Dextra / Our Team / Nina Lahdenpohja

Nina Lahdenpohja

FT, IVF-biologi

I graduated from the University of Jyväskylä with a Master’s degree in Cell Biology in 1996. I earned my Ph.D. in Immunology from the University of Tampere in 1998.

I have been working in the field of infertility treatments in both public and private sectors since 2000. At Dextra Fertility Clinic, I have been working since its inception in 2013.

For booking, we will redirect you to our parent company Pihlajalinna’s booking website

Please reserve the appropriate duration and provide your reason for the appointment

If you cannot find a suitable time, please call us at 010 312 106

All blood sampling and procedure appointments are booked by phone or at the clinic (insemination, embryo transfer)